The end of the line!

 Well folks, it is 11:30pm on December 31 of 2022. The end of my big year has come! I can’t believe this time has come already, it seems like just the other day I was starting my big year, chasing Mountain Bluebirds, Boreal Owls and other winter rarities…

359 is now officially the new Ontario big year record! Woot!! Hell of a ride…

Right now I’m down in Ohio celebrating New Years with Alessandra’s family… was planning on doing a year end post, but the evening got away from me! Today I birded along Lake Erie for my last day of the year, which I’ll go into more detail on tomorrow. I’ll do more posts on big year stuff in the coming days and weeks!

Thanks for following along this year! It’s been a blast blogging this year : )

eBird alerts off, discord notifications silenced… time for a much needed nap : )

Ontario Yearlist @ December 31 - 359


  1. Congratulations on a record year! It was fun to follow

  2. Done with flair Kiah, congratulations! Props also to William and Ezra who also smashed Jeremy's Ontario record.

  3. A spectacular achievement with many exciting chapters, photos, and commentary. Bravo, Kiah!

  4. It was fun following along, Kiah. Congratulations on a very impressive big year. Enjoy the relative quiet and lack of alerts!


Panama Trip - Part 1

Just after midnight on the morning of February 22nd (I couldn't really sleep due to preflight jitters/trip excitement, so to me it was s...