What's This Bird Wednesday

Last weeks answers;

#1 - Purple Martin
#2 - Black-throated Blue Warbler 
#3 - Blue-winged Teal and Mallard 
#4 - Philadelphia Vireo 
#5 - Blackpoll Warbler 
#6 - Baird's Sandpiper
#7 - Red-necked Phalarope

Last weeks quiz was probably my hardest yet, but Zane Shantz and Liam Thorne both did well and got 6/7. #5 (Blackpoll warb) was a tough picture at a weird angle.. so a bit deceiving..

Shorebird season is upon us now in Southern Ontario, so I threw some shorebirds into this week's quiz! Good luck!

                        #6                       #7

Same as before... leave guesses in comments 

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