What's This Bird Wednesday

Another week, another quiz!

Last week's answers;
#1 - Solitary Sandpiper 
#2 - Pectoral Sandpipers
#3 - Green-winged Teal & Northern Shoveler 
#4 - Cedar Waxwing 
#5 - Red Phalarope
#6 - Blackpoll Warbler 
#7 - Vesper Sparrow 

I've been going through some of my photos from the last few months recently ~ and I found these genuinely horrible pics that would normally be deleted.. but I thought they might be more useful as blog content! Enjoy haha! 

                                                            #1                                                              #2                                                           #3
                                                           #4                                                          #5                                                #6 (all species)                                                            #7

Guesses in comments.. as per usual 

1 comment:

  1. BRBL, COHA, DOWO, NOCA? A Finch Sp? What is that?, DICK, SESA and STSA?, BWTE.


Panama Trip - Part 1

Just after midnight on the morning of February 22nd (I couldn't really sleep due to preflight jitters/trip excitement, so to me it was s...